
了解矿石破碎制砂设备、砂石生产线配置方案电话咨询: 18221397919 (微信同号)
  • Flowrate curves for diaphragm valves Flowrate curves for Burkert

    mined with a pressure of 3 bar at the valve entrance and a pressure drop of 1 bar. With other operating conditions the curves can deviate easily from the stated 

  • Nominal Internal Diameters (DN) and Flange Sizes Products

    Nov 19, 2013 Additionally there are sizes DN80 (4 5/8"), DN125 (6 3/4") and O.D.s 13 1/4", 14" (300CF) and 16 1/2" (350CF). These are available on request.

  • Nominal Internal Diameters (DN) and Flange Sizes Products

    Nov 19, 2013 Additionally there are sizes DN80 (4 5/8"), DN125 (6 3/4") and O.D.s 13 1/4", 14" (300CF) and 16 1/2" (350CF). These are available on request.

  • M21HTi ISO (Tobacco) Reduced Bore Ball Valve Spirax Sarco

    3. Ball. Stainless steel. AISI 316 hardened surface. 4. Stem. Stainless steel Antistatic device spring. Stainless steel. AISI 301. DN65. 5. 5. 3. 6. 2. DN80 to 

  • 粉磨机多少钱,制粉机价格,研磨机设备,超细磨报价,磨机设备 立式磨粉机

    600目粉煤灰磨粉机设备,可以将粉煤灰加工成600目 熟石膏粉 950TPH三环中 三通阀ZGM113N磨煤机专用DN80 碳化硅微粉 325目磷矿石磨粉机设备,可以 

  • M21HTi ISO (Tobacco) Reduced Bore Ball Valve Spirax Sarco

    3. Ball. Stainless steel. AISI 316 hardened surface. 4. Stem. Stainless steel Antistatic device spring. Stainless steel. AISI 301. DN65. 5. 5. 3. 6. 2. DN80 to 

  • SV60H Safety Valve Spirax Sarco

    Inlet sizes DN20, DN25, DN32, DN40, DN50, DN65, DN80, DN100, DN125 and DN150. Valve type. Inlet connection. Outlet connection. SV607H. PN16 (DN65 

  • Flowrate curves for diaphragm valves Flowrate curves for Burkert

    mined with a pressure of 3 bar at the valve entrance and a pressure drop of 1 bar. With other operating conditions the curves can deviate easily from the stated 

  • DN de管径对照表_百度文库

    2015年3月6日 水管4 分是直径2 厘米的3 分管是公称通径为DN10 的管子4 分管是 DN25 1.2′ DN32 1.5′ DN40 2′ DN50 2.5′ DN65 3′ DN80 4′ 

  • SV60H Safety Valve Spirax Sarco

    Inlet sizes DN20, DN25, DN32, DN40, DN50, DN65, DN80, DN100, DN125 and DN150. Valve type. Inlet connection. Outlet connection. SV607H. PN16 (DN65 

  • DN de管径对照表_百度文库

    2015年3月6日 水管4 分是直径2 厘米的3 分管是公称通径为DN10 的管子4 分管是 DN25 1.2′ DN32 1.5′ DN40 2′ DN50 2.5′ DN65 3′ DN80 4′ 

  • 粉磨机多少钱,制粉机价格,研磨机设备,超细磨报价,磨机设备 立式磨粉机

    600目粉煤灰磨粉机设备,可以将粉煤灰加工成600目 熟石膏粉 950TPH三环中 三通阀ZGM113N磨煤机专用DN80 碳化硅微粉 325目磷矿石磨粉机设备,可以 

  • 上一篇:1100下一篇:腻子粉生产技术配方





    • 250TPH河卵石机制砂生产线
